1.1 Acceptance of the these terms of use. By accessing, reading, and making use of this App and the Services, you are deemed to have reviewed, understood and accepted, on your own behalf and on behalf of any person on whose behalf you may be acting, these Terms of Use and agreed with the Company to be bound hereunder. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, “person” means any natural person, corporation, partnership, joint venture or any other incorporated or unincorporated entity, whether acting as an individual, fiduciary, or in any other capacity.If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use, you may not use this App or any of the Services.

1.2 Changes of terms of use and app. The Company reserves the right, exercisable at any time at its sole discretion, to add to or remove, modify or otherwise change any part of these Terms of Use. Changes will be effective immediately at such time as the Terms of Use are posted on this App. You should check the Terms of Use for changes by checking the date this page was last updated. If any change to the Terms of Use is not acceptable to you, you must discontinue your use of this App and the Services immediately. Your continued use of this App or any of the Services after any changes to the Terms and Conditions will constitute your unqualified acceptance of the changes. The Company may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of this App or the Services at any time without notice. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company may change the availability of any features, institute new, or amend existing fees or charges for the use of the App, the Services, or any features included in the App or the Services, add, remove, modify or otherwise change any content on this App, and impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of this App. The Company reserves the right, but not the duty, to correct any errors or omissions in any portion of this App at any time and without notice.

1.3 Other agreements. These Terms of Use are in addition to and supplementary to any other agreements that you or any person you represent have or may enter into with the Company concerning your dealings with them, including any information, products or services provided by the Company. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of these Terms of Use and the provisions of any other agreement that you or any person you represent have with the Company, the provisions of these Terms of Use shall govern regarding your access to and use of the App and the Services.


2.1 Buying, selling and investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky. The risk of loss in trading or holding cryptocurrency can be substantial. You should therefore carefully consider whether trading or holding cryptocurrency is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. In considering whether to trade or hold cryptocurrency, you should be aware that the price or value of cryptocurrency can change rapidly, decrease, and potentially even fall to zero.

2.2 The cryptocurrencies market information relating to the past performance of an investment is not necessarily a guide to its performance in the future. The value of investments or income from them may go down as well as up. Like stocks and shares as well, cryptocurrencies are valued from second to second, their bid and offer value fluctuates sometimes widely. The degrees of fluctuation of prices vary significantly and the value of higher volatility funds may change suddenly. The value of investments may rise or fall due to the volatility of world markets, interest rates and capital values or, for investments held in overseas markets, changes in the rate of exchange in the currency in which the investments are denominated. You may not necessarily get back the amount you invested.

2.3 You know and understand cryptocurrency trading also has certain risks which can cause a complete loss to zero. As cryptocurrencies are no official currency and the legal status is still undefined, their legal nature is subject of change under different jurisdictions. Unlike official currencies, which are backed up by governments or other legal entities like the FED, ECB or others, cryptocurrencies are a private currency, generated by all the world. There is no central bank that could take corrective measures to protect the value of the cryptocurrencies at a possible crisis.

2.4 You know and understand cryptocurrency trading could be affected by hackers, change of laws, official restrictions, frauds, technical issues, collapse of infrastructure and many other possible threats.

2.5 All content provided through this app is only for your personal information and use, and is not intended to address your particular requirements or to be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) any specific investment or other decision. Such content shall not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by QtradeInvest. Furthermore, there may be additional risks that QtradeInvest have not foreseen or named in this Terms of Use.

2.6 QtradeInvest does not provide any investment advice in connection with the services contemplated by these Terms of Use. We only provide information on the price, range, volatility of cryptocurrencies. Any decisions to buy or sell cryptocurrencies are made on your decision solely. QtradeInvest will not be liable for any loss you might face.

2.7 If you are unsure about any specific investment or other decision, you should obtain appropriate expert independent advice and assess carefully whether your financial background is suitable for trading cryptocurrencies. Your decisions and investments are subject to your personal responsibility.


3.1 You must be 18 years old or older to register and use our service.

3.2 Only one registration per person is allowed. You must keep your registration information up to date.

3.3 You must choose an email address which gives you frequent access to emails sent to that address, as we need to be able to contact you short notice. You must keep your password confidential.

3.4 You must not, (1) impersonate or try to impersonate another person, (2) disclose your password to anyone else, (3) allow anyone else use your account or (4) use anyone else's account.

3.5 You are responsible for everything done using your account especially all damages may caused. If you think that someone else may have access to, or be using, your password or account, you must inform us as soon as possible by using online support.

3.6 From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of this site, or this entire site, to users who have registered with us for certain reasons.

3.7 You are obliged to treat your user identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any third party. QtradeInvest has the right to disable any account, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms and conditions until proven wrong by the user.


4.1 QtradeInvest implements and maintains the highest standards of Know Your Customer (“KYC”) processes and controls as part of our commitment to combating fraud and assisting in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. While our industry is largely unregulated, QtradeInvest voluntarily adheres to local and international compliance standards in relation to customer due diligence. To ensure we meet these standards, our customers are required to provide certain personal details and documents when opening a QtradeInvest Account (“Identity Verification”). The nature and extent of the Identity Verification required will depend upon which of our supported countries you are resident in, and the deposit and withdrawal limits that you wish to apply to your QtradeInvest Account. In certain circumstances, QtradeInvest may also perform enhanced due diligence (“EDD”) procedures in relation to your QtradeInvest Account. You accept and agree that you will remain subject to such procedures at all times. For identity verification contact our site's online support. You accept and agree that there may be delays in accessing your QtradeInvest Account, or in carrying out transactions through your QtradeInvest Account, while we undertake any Identity Verification and/or EDD procedures. Retention of information. QtradeInvest is required to retain certain information and documentation obtained as part of the Identity Verification and EDD procedures. These requirements apply even when you have terminated your relationship with QtradeInvest. We reserve the right to keep such information and documentation for the required period and you accept and agree that information and documentation you provide to QtradeInvest may be retained by us, including following the closure of your QtradeInvest Account.

4.2 To activate your account and start transacting, you should to transfer funds to your new account by making a qualifying deposit that should be done by one payment. However, internal exchange transactions are not considered while classifying your account as activate accounts. This deposit is only required for new users as a security measure, you will receive the deposit on your account and you will be able to withdraw it instantly. This procedure name is wallet-wallet verification, and it means for you that nobody can access your account and make withdrawal without your permission.

4.3 QtradeInvest RESERVES THE RIGHT TO, AT ANY TIME: restrict or suspend your QtradeInvest Account when we, in our sole discretion, consider it necessary to carry out further Identity Verification and/or EDD; or terminate your QtradeInvest Account if you provide, or we suspect you have provided, false information or refuse to provide information we require for Identity Verification and/or EDD.


5.1 The QtradeInvest Exchange is an order book exchange platform for cryptocurrencies that is intended for use by customers with experience in and/or knowledge of similar platforms. Any person using the QtradeInvest Exchange does so entirely at their own risk. The QtradeInvest Exchange is not offered to customers in all jurisdictions. This section of the Terms applies to you if you access and/or use the QtradeInvest Exchange.

5.2 QtradeInvest may, at any time and in our sole discretion, refuse any trade, impose limits on the trade amount permitted, or impose any other conditions or restrictions upon your use of the QtradeInvest Exchange that we deem necessary. We may, for example, limit the number of open orders that you may establish or restrict trades from certain locations. QtradeInvest reserves the right to take such action without prior notice.

5.3 IN ACCESSING AND/OR USING THE QtradeInvest EXCHANGE FOR ANY PURPOSE, YOU AGREE AND ACCEPT THAT: all trades executed on the QtradeInvest Exchange are executed automatically, based on the parameters of your order instructions, and cannot be reversed. In the case of technical issues affecting QtradeInvest’s internal systems, QtradeInvest may, where possible and in its sole discretion, take steps to reverse or otherwise amend a trade. By using the QtradeInvest Exchange, you accept and agree to all applicable fees; QtradeInvest makes no guarantee that the QtradeInvest Exchange will be available without interruption; that there will be no delays, failures, errors, omissions or loss of transmitted information; or that any order will be executed, accepted, recorded, or remain open;


6.1 Transaction Refusal. We may refuse to enter into a transaction, or we may terminate a particular transaction or all current transactions that you have outstanding with us, without notice to you: if you fail to make any payment or make payment from a blockchain account from which you are doing so unlawfully; if you fail to provide any material information we have requested or any information or warranty that you have given to us is, or becomes in our opinion, materially inaccurate, incorrect or misleading; in the event of your death or loss of mental capacity; if a serious dispute has arisen between us; if the performance of our obligations under this agreement becomes unlawful; if you terminate this agreement in accordance with clause 7 below; You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any event referred to in this paragraph happening or being likely to happen.

6.2 In the event that we refuse a transaction and where it is lawful to do so, we will purchase at the prevailing market rate, the equivalent in your chosen cryptocurrency with the gross value of your deposit less any expenses, premiums, commissions or other fees incurred by us. The balance will then be sent to your Default Address. In the event that we incur a loss on the transaction, you will be liable to pay us the full amount of that loss.

6.3 You acknowledge that under certain rare circumstances, we may be obligated to freeze your account completely and retain any funds that we are holding on your behalf pending further investigation.

6.4 You acknowledge that the amount of any loss realized on the termination of a transaction is a debt payable by you and agree that we may immediately deduct the total amount of any loss (together with any expenses, premiums, commissions or other fees incurred by us) from any funds we are holding for you, including any monies you have paid to us in relation to any transaction. If the amount we are seeking to recover exceeds the amount of any funds held by us on your behalf, you agree to pay the balance within 7 days of being notified of the total amount due.

6.5 We will not pay you any profit arising from the termination of a transaction in any circumstances.

6.6 You agree that we may charge you interest on any sum that remains payable to us after we terminate any or all of your transactions at a rate of 5% per. Interest will accrue and will be calculated daily and be compounded monthly from the date payment was due until the full payment is received by us from you.

6.7 If we refuse or terminate a transaction and where it is lawful to do so, we will send you a written statement explaining the amount of any sums that may be payable to us and the amount of any sums being withheld by us.


7.1 External fees. Every cryptocurrency transaction must be added to the blockchain, the official public ledger of all completed transactions, in order to be considered a successful and valid transfer. The work of validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain is done by miners, which are powerful computers that make up a portion of the network and confirm its transactions. Miners spend vast amounts of computing power and energy doing this for a financial reward: with every block (a collection of transactions) added to the blockchain comes a bounty called a block reward, as well as all fees sent with the transactions that were confirmed and included in the block. For this reason, miners have a financial incentive to prioritize the validation of transactions that include a higher fee. For someone looking to send funds and get a quick confirmation, the appropriate fee to include depends on the cryptocurrency being sent and can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors, such as transaction size and network conditions. Your wallet will automatically calculate the appropriate fee for sending your chosen cryptocurrency. The fee for sending ether is static (you can view the fee for sending ether by clicking “Send” and selecting Ether as the currency), while the fees for sending bitcoin, bitcoin cash, and stellar are dynamic and will be calculated by your wallet after you input the amount you want to send. This article explains bitcoin transaction fees in greater detail.

7.2 Internal fees. The Our Digital Exchange shall enable matching of buy and sell orders between Users. The latest information on the time for settlement of any transactions and the costs and fees associated with transactions shall be as published on our Site from time to time. According to our rules, for each user there is a mandatory commission for all deposits, and for all withdrawals (1%). We trade at a variable percentage above market rate to cover our operating costs and to allow our vendors to make a profit. The trade-off for this is ease of use and the speed of the service - we're not the cheapest, but we try to be the best! Everything depends on the loading of our system and the magnitude of the operation.

7.3 Collection-Related Costs. If you fail to pay fees or any other amounts owed to Payward under these Terms and Payward refers your account(s) to a third party for collection, then Payward will charge you the lesser of an 11% collection fee or the maximum percentage permitted by applicable law, to cover Payward's collection-related costs.

7.4 At the first withdrawal of funds, users must pay a tax of 11% of the amount of your withdrawal. (One-time)


8.1 ACCOUNT SECURITY. QtradeInvest TAKES SECURITY VERY SERIOUSLY AND THE MEASURES WE HAVE IN PLACE TO PROTECT YOUR QtradeInvest ACCOUNT HOWEVER, YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR: maintaining adequate security and control over your QtradeInvest Account sign-in details, including but not limited to any passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs), API keys, or any other codes associated with your QtradeInvest Account; enabling any additional security features available to you, including the activation of two factor authentication on your QtradeInvest account; keeping your contact details up to date so that you can receive any notices or alerts we may send to you in relation to security; maintaining security and control over the email mailbox, phone number and two-factor authentication applications or devices associated with your QtradeInvest Account;

8.2 Failure to take the above measures, and any other security measures available to you, may result in unauthorised access to your QtradeInvest Account and the loss or theft of any cryptocurrency and/or Local Currency balances held in your QtradeInvest Wallet or any linked bank account(s) and/or saved credit or debit card(s). QtradeInvest shall have no liability to you for or in connection with any unauthorised access to your QtradeInvest Account, where such unauthorised access was due to no fault of QtradeInvest, and/or any failure by you to act upon any notice or alert that we send to you.

8.3 The security of your QtradeInvest Account may be compromised, or interruption caused to it, by phishing, spoofing or other attack, computer viruses, spyware, scareware, Trojan horses, worms or other malware that may affect your computer or other equipment. QtradeInvest strongly recommends that you regularly use reputable virus screening and prevention software and remain alert to the fact that SMS, email services and search engines are vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attacks.

8.4 Care should be taken in reviewing messages purporting to originate from QtradeInvest and, should you have any uncertainty regarding the authenticity of any communication, you should log in to your QtradeInvest Account through the QtradeInvest app and not any other domain name or app purporting to be, or to be related to, QtradeInvest to review any transactions or required actions. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you accept and agree that you have full responsibility for all activity that occurs in or through your QtradeInvest Account and accept all risks of any unauthorised or authorised access to your QtradeInvest Account.

8.5 To withdraw funds user need to synchronize an account on our exchange with external wallet address.

8.6 Private keys. QtradeInvest securely stores all Supported Cryptocurrency private keys (“Private Keys”) associated with any QtradeInvest Account. You accept and agree that QtradeInvest shall retain full ownership and control of the Private Keys associated with your QtradeInvest Account and that you shall have no control of, access to, or the ability to use, such Private Keys

8.7 FOR EXAMPLE, BUT WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, QtradeInvest WILL NOT: accept or adhere to any instruction to sign any data with a Private Key; give access to any funds associated with your private keys, other than those of the Supported Cryptocurrency associated with your cryptocurrency wallet; give access to any funds associated with your private keys, other than those of the Supported Cryptocurrency associated with your cryptocurrency wallet;


9.1 While we will do everything we can to provide continuous operations, QtradeInvest does not provide any warranty in relation to the availability of the QtradeInvest Site or your QtradeInvest Account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we do not guarantee continuous access to the QtradeInvest Site or your QtradeInvest Account and make no representation that the QtradeInvest Site, QtradeInvest API, your QtradeInvest Account and/or any products or services offered therein will be available without interruption; or that there will be no delays, failures, errors, omissions or loss of transmitted information.


10.1 When you use your QtradeInvest Account to send or receive cryptocurrency, the transaction must be confirmed and recorded in the public ledger associated with the relevant cryptocurrency network (e.g. the Bitcoin network or the Ethereum network). That cryptocurrency network is solely responsible for verifying and confirming any such transactions. QtradeInvest cannot confirm, cancel or reverse transactions on a cryptocurrency network, other than confirming to you that the network has completed the transaction.

10.2 Once submitted to a cryptocurrency network, a transaction will be unconfirmed for a period of time pending sufficient confirmation of the transaction by the network. A transaction is not complete while it is in a pending state. Funds associated with transactions that are in a pending state will be designated accordingly, and will not be included in your QtradeInvest Wallet balance or be available to you to conduct transactions; When you send cryptocurrency from your QtradeInvest Account, you are authorising us to submit your transaction request to the relevant cryptocurrency network. Once a transaction request has been submitted to the relevant cryptocurrency network, the network will automatically complete or reject the request and neither you or QtradeInvest will be able to cancel or otherwise modify your transaction. Cryptocurrency networks are operated by decentralised networks of independent third parties. They are not owned, controlled or operated by QtradeInvest so we cannot ensure that any transaction details you submit will be confirmed by the relevant cryptocurrency network. You agree that any transaction details you submit may not be completed, or may be substantially delayed, by the cryptocurrency network used to process the transaction.

10.3 SITE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE THAT: QtradeInvest is not responsible for the operation of any cryptocurrency network’s underlying software protocols and makes no guarantee as to their availability, security, or functionality; the underlying software protocols are subject to sudden changes in operating rules (known as “forks”), and that such forks may materially affect the value, function, and/or name of any cryptocurrency you store in your QtradeInvest Account. Should a fork occur, QtradeInvest may, with or without notice to you, temporarily suspend our operations and, in our sole discretion, decide whether or not to support either branch of the forked protocol entirely; in the event QtradeInvest decides not to support a branch of a forked protocol, you will not be given access to the assets on that fork. Those assets will be securely held by QtradeInvest and we will not buy or sell them.


11.1 Your use of the QtradeInvest Site is subject to international export controls and economic sanctions requirements. By undertaking any activity on the QtradeInvest Site or through your QtradeInvest Account, including but not limited to sending, receiving, buying, selling, storing or trading any cryptocurrency, you agree that you will at all times comply with those requirements. In particular, and without any

11.2 Insurance deposits apply to funds received as a result of various promotions. Promotional offers/Promo program/Promo codes/Bonus program. Such a user is obliged to make an insurance deposit, depending on the level of his account, as well as the country of residence of the client, since some countries prohibit the use of cryptocurrencies

11.3 ACCOUNT IF: you are in or under the control of, or resident of, any country subject to United States embargo, UN sanctions, the HM Treasury financial sanctions regime, or if you are on the U.S. Treasury Department's Specially Designated Nationals List or the U.S. Commerce Department's Denied Persons List, Unverified List, Entity List, or HM Treasury's financial sanctions regime; you intend to supply any acquired or stored cryptocurrency, or transact with people or businesses operating in any country subject to United States embargo or HM Treasury's financial sanctions regime, or to a person on the Specially Designated Nationals List, Denied Persons List, Unverified List, Entity List, or HM Treasury's financial sanctions regime. Order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, financing of terrorism, as well as the exclusion of risks of user-s who are located in geographical areas with unregulated legislation in the field of cryptocurrencies, the user who is registered less than 3 (three) months on exchange, when balance replenishment, will have to make an insurance payment is 0.1-0.5(depending on the country of residence) BTC (or the same value in other currencies) to the exchange account. Amount will be returned without the commission of the site if no violations will be detected within 14 days. User who is a citizen of the Russian Federation agrees that due to the aggressive policy of this State and the imposition of appropriate international sanctions on it and the Russian Federation's ranking as a high-risk country for illegal financial transactions, he will have to make an insurance contribution to the account provided by the exchange. The same rule is introduced for User-s from another high-risked countries for illegal financial transactions.


12.1 To increase your account level to premium, you must make a corresponding deposit required by the system.

12.2 LET’S LOOK AT SOME BENEFITS OF AN VIP TRADING ACCOUNT: Personal Account Manager. One of the most important VIP benefits, is certainly the client’s exposure to better profitability rates. Higher profitability percentages definitely increase a trader’s chances of being a successful and profitable trader. Option VIP clients have access to personal account managers who are ready to assist them where necessary. These account managers are market professionals who are trained to guide VIP clients in using analytical tools and methods to increase their profitability. Whether you’ve been trading for 5 days or 5 decades, there is always something new to learn about the financial markets! Personal account managers are available to assist VIP clients 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Fast Processing of Withdrawal Requests. An IQ Option VIP withdrawal is usually processed within one business day! Pretty impressive, isn’t it? VIP clients can also contact their personal account managers to speed up the withdrawal process if necessary. VIP chatroom VIP members get 5-10 signals each day! These signals mirror the same trades our pros are makings with details about which coins to buy, where the ideal entries should be, and where the targets are to exit great profits! VIP Members get EVEN MORE, with inside info, daily market analysis, and access to personal coaching on their trades around the clock. JOIN VIP TODAY to access all of this, PLUS the Exclusive chatroom for QtradeInvest Family members! The QtradeInvest Team and VIP members are here to help and share with each other. Join the QtradeInvest Family Chat to enjoy one of the best crypto communities on the planet.

12.3 Users, the registration period was less than 1 month, which exceeded the size of their account above 0.2 BTC (equivalent amount in other currencies) need to activate Premium status to access the trade/withdraw of funds.

12.4 To maintain your VIP Status or to reach a higher VIP level you must transact a certain amount to merchants or to buy or sell Crypto within the quarter.


13.1 You may close your QtradeInvest Account by submitting a closure request via the Help Centre. QtradeInvest will action such requests once (i) the sum of all Local Currency and cryptocurrency balances in your QtradeInvest Wallet(s) is below the Minimum Closure Amount; and (ii) no transactions have taken place in your QtradeInvest Account for a period of at least 30 days. Such requirements are designed to protect you from loss and QtradeInvest will not action a closure request until they are satisfied.

13.2 YOU ACCEPT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, ONCE YOUR QtradeInvest ACCOUNT IS CLOSED: you will have no further access to it; QtradeInvest will be under no obligation to notify you of, or provide to you, any cryptocurrency sent to any receive address associated with your QtradeInvest Account; QtradeInvest reserves the right (but has no obligation) to delete all of your information and account data stored on our servers, and also reserves the right to retain any information that is required for legal or operational reasons;

13.3 If at the date of closure of your account any Local Currency or cryptocurrency remains in your QtradeInvest Wallet(s) (i.e. funds amounting to less than the Minimum Closure Amount), you accept and agree that QtradeInvest shall retain such funds and that you shall have no further claim to them. The Minimum Closure Amount shall be USD10.00 or the equivalent in your Local Currency. You accept and agree that QtradeInvest shall not be liable to you or any third party in relation to the closure of your QtradeInvest Account, the termination of access to your QtradeInvest Account, or for the deletion of your information or QtradeInvest Account data.


14.1 We reasonably suspect your QtradeInvest Account to be the subject of an operational or other error, in which case we may be required to suspend access to your account until such time as the error is rectified; we reasonably suspect your QtradeInvest Account has been or is being used in relation to any unlawful, fraudulent or Prohibited Activity, or in breach of these Terms; we reasonably suspect you or your QtradeInvest Account is or has been associated with, or poses a high risk of, money laundering, financing of terrorism, fraud, or any other financial crime; we reasonably suspect you of taking any action that QtradeInvest considers to be a circumvention of QtradeInvest'S controls, including but not limited to opening multiple QtradeInvest Accounts; we reasonably suspect your involvement in any attempt to gain unauthorised access to any QtradeInvest Account; your QtradeInvest Account is or appears to be the subject of any legal, regulatory or government process and/or we, in our sole discretion, consider there to be a heightened risk of legal or regulatory non-compliance associated with your QtradeInvest Account; we are compelled to do so by a prima facie valid subpoena, court order, or other binding order of a government or regulatory authority; your name appears on a government or international body sanctions list.

14.2 QtradeInvest will make all reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of any decision to restrict, suspend or terminate your QtradeInvest Account, unless we are prevented from doing so by any legal or regulatory process or requirement, or where doing so may compromise QtradeInvest’s security and/or risk management procedures. You accept and agree that QtradeInvest is under no obligation to disclose to you the fact of or reason for any decision to restrict, suspend or terminate your QtradeInvest Account, and shall have no liability to you in connection with the restriction, suspension or termination of your QtradeInvest Account.

14.3 Account termination. Where QtradeInvest elects to terminate your QtradeInvest Account in accordance with the above, we shall (except where legally obligated not to) return your available cryptocurrency and/or Local Currency balances to you pursuant to the procedure set out below: Cryptocurrency. If you have an available balance of Supported Cryptocurrency in your QtradeInvest Account above the Minimum Threshold, we will liquidate the cryptocurrency and deposit the value realised from the liquidation into your Local Currency wallet. The Minimum Threshold is USD10.00, or its equivalent in any applicable Supported Cryptocurrency calculated on the day on which the liquidation is performed. We will not send your Supported Cryptocurrency to an alternative cryptocurrency wallet address. Any risk of a negative exchange rate fluctuation shall rest with you and you shall have no claim against QtradeInvest for any losses you may suffer as a result of the liquidation of your available balance of Supported Cryptocurrency.


15.1 YOU MUST NOT USE YOUR QtradeInvest ACCOUNT TO UNDERTAKE ANY OF THE ACTIVITIES OR CATEGORIES OF ACTIVITY SET OUT IN THIS SECTION (EACH A “PROHIBITED ACTIVITY”): violation of any laws, statutes, ordinance or regulations; undertaking, facilitating or supporting criminal activity of any kind, including but not limited to, money laundering, terrorist financing, illegal gambling operations or malicious hacking; abusive activity, including but not limited to: imposing an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on QtradeInvest’s infrastructure, or otherwise taking any action that may negatively affect the performance of the QtradeInvest Site or QtradeInvest’s reputation; attempting to gain unauthorised access to the QtradeInvest Site or any QtradeInvest Account; transmitting or uploading any material to the QtradeInvest Site that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other harmful programmes; transferring your QtradeInvest Account access or rights to your QtradeInvest Account to a third party, unless as required by law or with QtradeInvest’s prior consent; paying in to or otherwise supporting pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, matrix programmes, “get rich quick” schemes, multi-level marketing programmes or high-yield investment programmes; fraudulent activity, including but not limited to taking any actions that defraud QtradeInvest or a QtradeInvest customer, or the provision of any false, inaccurate, or misleading information to QtradeInvest; transactions involving items that may help facilitate or enable illegal activity; promote or facilitate hate, violence or racial intolerance; are considered obscene; or may be stolen goods or the proceeds of crime; transactions involving TOR markets, online gambling sites or mixers; sale or purchase of narcotics or controlled substances; intellectual property infringement.

15.2 By opening a QtradeInvest Account, you confirm that you will not use your account to undertake any of the above-listed Prohibited Activities or any similar or related activity.Activities subject to the prior written approval of QtradeInvest. Unless you have obtained the prior written approval of QtradeInvest, you accept and agree that you will not use your QtradeInvest Account to conduct or operate any of the following business activities or categories of activity: money services, including but not limited to money or cryptocurrency transmission, currency or cryptocurrency exchange or dealing, payment service providers, e-money or any other financial services business; gambling or gaming services; charitable or religious / spiritual organisations; consumer lending services, including but not limited to secured and unsecured loans, cash advances, payday lending; investment funds, asset management, or brokerage services.

15.3 We reserve the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your QtradeInvest Account if we suspect, in our sole discretion, that you are using, or have used, your QtradeInvest Account in association with any of the activities listed above, or any similar or related activity, without having obtained the prior written approval of QtradeInvest.


16.1 The QtradeInvest Site, your QtradeInvest Account and any related products or services are offered on a strictly “as-is” and “where-available” basis and QtradeInvest expressly disclaims, and you waive, all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the QtradeInvest Site, your QtradeInvest Account, and any related products or services are offered without any warranty as to merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.

16.2 Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied terms in consumer contracts, so some or all of the disclaimers in this section may not apply to you.


17.1 In no event shall QtradeInvest, its operating entities or any other affiliates (including their respective directors, members, employees or agents) be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages or any other damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of data, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of or in any way connected with your use of, inability to use, or unavailability of the QtradeInvest Site and/or your QtradeInvest Account, including without limitation any damages caused by or resulting from any reliance upon any information received from QtradeInvest, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or email, errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission or any failure of performance, whether or not resulting from a force majeure event, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorised access to QtradeInvest’s records, programmes or services.

17.2 In no event will any liability of QtradeInvest, its operating entities or any other affiliates (including their respective directors, members, employees or agents) arising in relation to your use of the QtradeInvest Site or your QtradeInvest Account, exceed (in aggregate) the fees earned by QtradeInvest in connection with your use of your QtradeInvest Account in the six month period immediately preceding the event giving rise to the claim for liability. The above limitations of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, some of the limitations in this section may not apply to you.


18.1 You and we agree to notify the other party in writing of any claim or dispute that arises in relation to the QtradeInvest Site, your QtradeInvest Account or these Terms, within 30 days of such claim or dispute arising. You and we further agree to attempt informal resolution of any Dispute prior to bringing a claim in any court or other body.

18.2 Governing law and jurisdiction. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Malta law, subject to any local mandatory rights you may have. You and we agree to submit all disputes, claims or controversies (including non-contractual Disputes, claims or controversies) arising out of or in connection with these Terms, or the breach, termination, enforcement or interpretation thereof (together, Disputes), to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malta.

18.3 Class or representative action waiver. To the maximum extent permissible by law, you and QtradeInvest each agree that each may bring any Dispute against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and you and it waive any right to commence or participate in any class action or other representative action or proceeding against the other. Further, where permissible by law, unless both you and QtradeInvest agree otherwise, no court may consolidate any other person’s claim(s) with your Dispute, and may not otherwise preside over any form of representative or class proceeding.

18.4 For the avoidance of doubt, if this Class or representative action waiver is found by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Disputes clause shall remain valid and enforceable.


QtradeInvest Direct Investing and its affiliates (hereinafter, 'QtradeInvest DI', 'QtradeInvest', 'we', 'us' or 'our') are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy governs our collection, processing and use of your Personal Information. We define 'Personal Information' as information which identifies you personally, e.g. your name, address, e-mail address etc.

The types of Personal Information which we collect may include:

We will process your Personal Information only for the purpose(s) of providing to you the service(s) that you ask us to provide you and to satisfy the legal obligations stemming from regulatory obligations that arise from providing you the service(s)

IP Addresses

We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns and will not be used to identify any individual unless that same individual.

Documents for KYC Process

As part of our commitment to maintaining a secure and trusted platform, we may collect specific documents and information through our KYC (Know Your Customer) process. KYC is a standard procedure used to verify the identity of individuals or entities using our services and to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. We collect these documents to verify the identity and authenticity of our users. This process helps us prevent illicit activities while ensuring the security of your account and maintaining a safe environment for all users.


We use a browser feature known as a 'cookie', which assigns a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are typically stored on your computer's hard drive. Information collected from cookies is used by us to evaluate the effectiveness of our Site, analyze trends, and administer the Platform. The information collected from cookies allows us to determine such things as which parts of our Site are most visited and difficulties our visitors may experience in accessing our Site. With this knowledge, we can improve the quality of your experience on the Platform by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and information, as well as by resolving access difficulties. We also use cookies and/or a technology known as web bugs or clear gifs, which are typically stored in emails to help us confirm your receipt of, and response to, our emails and to provide you with a more personalized experience when using our Site. We use third party service provider(s), to assist us in better understanding the use of our Site. Our service provider(s) will place cookies on the hard drive of your computer and will receive information that we select that will educate us on such things as how visitors navigate around our site, what products are browsed, and general Transaction information. Our service provider(s) analyses this information and provides us with aggregate reports. The information and analysis provided by our service provider(s) will be used to assist us in better understanding our visitors' interests in our Site and how to better serve those interests. The information collected by our service provider(s) may be linked to and combined with information that we collect about you while you are using the Platform. Our service provider(s) is/are contractually restricted from using information they receive from our Site other than to assist us. By using our Site you are agreeing that we may use cookies for the purposes set out above. The company will keep records of all transfers of Personal Information to third parties and this information, where possible, can be provided to you.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We use the Personal Information for the purposes indicated at the time you provide us with such information, and/or otherwise for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and/or as otherwise permitted by law. We may make available the Personal Information that you provide to us to our affiliates, agents, representatives, trusted service providers and contractors for these limited purposes upon your express consent or for and during the provision of the service that you would have requested. We may also share Users’ Personal Information with financial institutions, insurance companies or other companies in the case of a merger, divestiture, or other corporate re-organisation and notify you of such sharing of your information to be able to exercise any of your rights where applicable. We may also share Users' Personal Information with law enforcement or regulatory agencies, as may be required by law. We may not be able to inform you of such sharing of data due to legal restrictions. Any third party which receives or has access to Personal Information shall be required by us to protect such Personal Information and to use it only to carry out the services they are performing for you or for QtradeInvest, unless otherwise required or permitted by law. Such a third party, except for regulatory authorities, would be contractually bound to adhere to the same security and confidentiality policies as QtradeInvest and assume the same responsibilities as QtradeInvest. The legitimate exercise of any of your rights with QtradeInvest will also be notified to be applied by any such third parties having been given access to your Personal Information. We will ensure that any such third party is aware of our obligations under this Privacy Policy and we will enter into contracts with such third parties by which they are bound by terms no less protective of any Personal Information disclosed to them than the obligations we undertake to you under this Privacy Policy or which are imposed on us under applicable data protection laws.

Your rights

You have the right to access your Personal Information and to require the correction, updating and blocking of inaccurate and/or incorrect data by sending an email to us at e-mail mentioned on the App (out e-mail), you can do these actions in your account profile page yourself (if applicable). Upon your written request at our e-mail, we will inform you of the Personal Information relating to you that we hold and the use and general disclosure of your Personal Information. We will also give you a copy of the Personal Information we have retained. There may be a minimal charge for providing you additional copies of your Personal Information to cover administrative costs. You may also request the deletion or destruction of both the Account and Personal Information by sending an email to our e-mail. QtradeInvest will action your request immediately, except, where this is not consistent with its legal and regulatory obligations.You may also ask us to transfer your Personal Information to another controller of your choice. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your information to yourself, we may request you to confirm your identity by providing identification documentation and/or other methods prior to assisting you in exercising any of your rights. іf you refuse to prove your identity, we may decline to take actions in respect of your data, save restricting processing, until we can ensure that such actions are the true wish of the data subject. In the carrying out of our services we may use automated processing and profiling to reduce the risks of fraud, money laundering and abuse of our services. Through this automated processing, we carry out an analysis of your identification, transactional and behavioral patterns. We may not able to provide you with some or all our services if you do not wish this automated processing to be carried out. If you feel that this processing might be detrimental to you, we can provide you with further information about this automated processing by contacting us on our e-mail.


We have implemented technical and organizational security measures to ensure the confidentiality of your Personal Information and to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Only authorized personnel of QtradeInvest have access to your Personal Information, and these personnel are required to treat the information as confidential. Where you have consented to, or we are obliged to pass on Personal Information to third parties to provide you with a requested service or in the carrying out of a regulatory or legal obligation, we will request that the same levels of technical and organizational security measure be applied through contractual arrangements, where possible. Technical and organizational security measures in place will, from time to time, be reviewed in line with legal and technical developments. іn the event of a personal data breach or the failure of the measures of protection of such information we will immediately notify you without undue delay.


Here may be links from our Site to other sites and resources provided by third parties. This Privacy Policy applies only to our Site. Accessing those third-party sites or sources requires you to leave our Site. We do not control those third party sites or any of the content contained therein and you agree that we are in no way responsible or liable for any of those third party sites, including, without limitation, their content, policies, failures, promotions, products, services or actions and/or any damages, losses, failures or problems caused by, related to or arising from those sites. We encourage you to review all policies, rules, terms and regulations, including the privacy policies, of each site that you visi

Retention of Personal Information

Your information is held within our servers. Access to this information is provided to employees of QtradeInvest whose office may be inside and/or outside of the European Union all our employees adhere to the principles of data security and processes as those within the European Union. We will hold your Personal Information only for as long as it is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and our own legal and regulatory requirements. іn accordance with record keeping activities for Anti-Money Laundering, Tax and Company legal obligations, we will retain Accounts and Personal Information for, at least, a period of ten years after a user closes his account with us. Data stored for regulatory purposes only will be protected from unnecessary processing and will be held only for the purpose of being able to provide information or access to relevant authorities.

Disposal of Personal Information

Once we do not have any obligation to providing you with a service you requested, nor an obligation to hold Personal Information for regulatory or legal purpose, we will anonymize or dispose of your Personal Information in line with acceptable industry and security standards so that this cannot be subsequently retrieved and associated to you. Where we cannot directly remove such records, such as in archived backups, we will retain a log of which Personal Information should be removed if ever the backup data is restored.


We will ask you for your consent on registration or post-registration, by providing you the ability to check marketing preferences check boxes located within your account profile page to allow us to contact you or use your Personal Information for marketing purposes. You have the right to retract the consent for us to process your Personal Information for marketing purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by unchecking marketing preferences check boxes on your account profile or by contacting us at any time on our e-mail.

Our Data Protection Officer

Our Data Protection Officer is the person in charge of ensuring our company adheres to this privacy policy. This person is also the main contact for our Data Protection Supervisory Authority. The Data Protection Officer may be contacted on separate e-mail [email protected].

Data Protection Supervisory Authority

You may contact an appropriate Data Protection Supervisory Authority if you wish to discuss with them any instance where you feel we may not be adhering to the terms within this Privacy Policy or to raise a complaint.


Our Site policies, content, information, promotions, disclosures, disclaimers and features may be revised, modified, updated, and/or supplemented at any time and without prior notice at the sole and absolute discretion of QtradeInvest. If we change this Privacy Policy, will take steps to notify all users by a notice on our Site and will post the amended Privacy Policy on the Site. If we consider that your rights may be affected by any such changes, we will request you to confirm your consideration and acceptance prior to continue our relationship with you.

Fraud, Phishing and Email scams disclaimer

Please be notified that QtradeInvest is not in any partnership with entities who represent themselves as customer support agents, providing customer support services via phone and/or social media and promise to help solve your issues for money. Remember - customer support is provided only via the QtradeInvest App and is always provided free of charge.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns not specifically regarding our Privacy Policy and/or practices as it or they relate to the Platform, please contact us at our email address.