QtradeInvest Direct Investing

Popular Account Types.

Think of them as clean slates for your future as yet unwritten. 

A sunset and a sailboat

Qtrade's registered accounts offer a simple and cost-effective way to grow your investments on a tax-deferred or tax-exempt basis.

Within all our registered accounts you can trade in a wide range of investments including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), Canadian and U.S. stocks, options, GICs, bonds and mutual funds.

Tax-Free Savings Account

Open a TFSA


A versatile and flexible tax-free investing account, with more choice and lower fees.

  • Save for longer-term goals, such as retirement, or shorter-term goals, such as a home purchase
  • Invest regularly or with periodic lump-sum payments
  • Research and tools to help you with investment ideas
  • Transfer your existing TFSAs to Qtrade for greater control and convenience

Learn more about TFSA investing →


  • Wide range of investment choices
  • Pay no Canadian taxes on earnings within the account
  • Withdrawals are tax-free
  • Access your money any time and re-contribute withdrawal amounts the following year
  • Contribute up to $6,000 per year
Retirement Savings Plan

Open an RRSP


Retirement savings with choice and flexibility.

  • No administration fee if you hold more than $25,000 in Qtrade accounts or trade regularly
  • Individual or spousal RSPs available
  • Invest regularly or with periodic lump-sum payments
  • Transfer all of your RSPs to Qtrade Investor for greater control and convenience
  • Save on exchange fees with a U.S. dollar RSP

Learn more about RRSP investing →


  • Contributions are tax deductible, so you get a tax credit now, and defer tax to a time when your income is lower
  • Tax-deferred investment earnings within the RSP
  • Use a spousal RSP to create a retirement income for your spouse and potentially reduce your combined tax bill
Locked-in Retirement Account

Open a LIRA / LRSP


The simple way to manage pension assets from previous employers.

Do you have more than one Locked-In Retirement Savings Plan (LRSP) or Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) from previous employers? Simplify your investments by transferring them to a self-directed Qtrade account.


Learn more about LIRAs→


  • Locked-in retirement plans allow you to maintain the tax-deferred status of pensions from previous employers
  • LRSPs and LIRAs lock in your money without restricting your investment options
Registered Education Savings Plan

Open an RESP


Prepare to invest in your child's future with our low-cost RESP.

  • A simple and flexible tax-sheltered investment account to help you save for a child's post-secondary education
  • Set up regular monthly contributions from your chequing account
  • Individual or family RESP plans available
  • Transfer all of your RESPs to Qtrade for greater control and convenience


Learn more about RESPs→


  • Choose from a range of investments including ETFs, individual stocks, and bonds
  • Gain an immediate return of 20 cents on every dollar you contribute from the Canada Education Savings Grant — up to a maximum grant of $500 per year and $7,200 lifetime per child, until the child turns 17
  • Tax-deferred investment earnings within the account
  • Savings can be used to pay for tuition, books and related living expenses, and withdrawals are taxed at the student's typically low rate
Retirement Income Fund

Open a RRIF


Before the end of the year in which you turn 71 you must close your RSP. To avoid paying tax on the total amount, you can convert your RSP to a RIF.

  • Receive income payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually
  • Receive payments directly to your chequing account, by mail or as a deposit to a Qtrade cash account


Learn more about RRIFs →


  • Draw an income and carry on managing the same tax-sheltered investments that you had in your RSP, including stocks, ETFs, bonds, mutual funds, GICs, and cash
  • Keep your money invested in stocks for growth
  • Create an income stream using fixed-income investments and dividend-paying stocks, or by selling investments
LIF - Life Income Fund

Open a LIF


Convert assets from your Locked-in RSP, Locked-in Retirement Account (LIRA) or registered pension plan.

  • Choose to receive your income payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually
  • Your income can be paid to any Canadian financial institution, sent by mail or paid into a Qtrade cash account


Learn more about LIFs


  • Gives you the flexibility to stay invested in stocks and keep your assets tax sheltered while you draw an income
  • Invest in the same range of ETFs, stocks and bonds that are available through our other registered accounts
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